
Here are some backgrounds/wallpapers that have been created to help rev up any desktop.  Did you create a wallpaper that you would like to share? Share it with other Harvick fans on Fan Central.

To Install background on your computer: Click on the photo that represents the image you want for your monitor. Remember, the images are large, and may take a few minutes to download with slower connections.

PC: After the image has loaded, right-click on the full-sized picture, and select “Set as Wallpaper” from the pop-up menu.

Macs with OS 8 or higher: Wait for the image to fully download, then click and hold on the image. Select “Save” or “Download image to disk” from the pop-up (depending on your browser), to save it on your computer. Then open the Desktop Pictures control panel, and drag the image into the window. Click “Set Desktop”.